Table of Contents
- 1 By Species
- 2 By Color
- 2.1 Black Guppy
- 2.2 Blue Guppy
- 2.3 Green Guppy
- 2.4 Purple Guppy
- 2.5 Red Guppy
- 2.6 Red Bi Color Guppy
- 2.7 Yellow Guppy
- 2.8 Albino Guppy
- 2.9 Metal Guppies
- 2.10 Solid Color Guppies
- 2.11 AOC (Any Other Color) Guppy
- 2.12 AOC Bi-Color Guppy
- 2.13 Blue-Green Bi-Color Guppy
- 2.14 Bronze Guppy
- 2.15 Half Black AOC Guppy
- 2.16 Half Black Yellow Guppy
- 2.17 Half Black Pastel Guppy
- 2.18 Half Black Blue Guppy
- 2.19 Half Black Green Guppy
- 2.20 Half Black Purple Guppy
- 3 By Pattern
- 4 By Tail
By Species
There are three main species of guppies. They are:- Micropoecilia picta
- Poecilia reticulata
- Poecilia wingei
Micropoecilia Picta
These species of guppy go by many names. So you might know them as scarlet livebearer, swamp guppy, or the painted guppy. This fish is a fast-moving guppy that is usually a bright red color. When feeding, be sure to avoid red cherry shrimp as it has been reported that a large population of this food source can also eat the fry (baby guppies).

Poecilia Reticulata
These guppy types are the most popular. They are also called fancy guppies, rainbow fish, or million fish. They get their name because of how colorful they are as well as how quickly they reproduce.

Poecilia Wingei
The rarest guppy types are the Poecilia wingei species. They were first discovered in 1937 in the South American country, Venezuela.

By Color
Let’s get down to all the beautiful and eye-catching colors of the different types of guppies. This is mainly a picture guide with a few videos and some descriptions.Black Guppy
Black guppies are mostly black in color. However, the larger the guppy fish, the more there’s a chance that there’d be some color variation. For example, in the tail or closer to the head. Overall, though, the main color is black.

Blue Guppy
From sky blue to dark blue, blue guppies stand out with their varying tints of blue highlights.

Green Guppy
Green guppies are a rare color of guppy and, when you do come by a green guppy, the price is usually on the expensive end. A good diet and proper guppy care help them to achieve the most vibrant colors.

Purple Guppy
The purple body guppy has at least part of its body in the color purple as well as the fins and the tails.

Red Guppy
Red guppies come in varying shades of red. From red tail to red-gold to albino, the red guppy is truly beautiful in all its variations.

Red Bi Color Guppy
The primary color is red but these guppies can have several other color variations in their body and fins.- In the tail, the secondary color has to be a minimum of 25%.
- The dorsal and the fin need to match exactly in color and in the pattern.
- The base and the secondary color must be different from each other.
- If there is a third color, that color must be 15% or less of the body of the fish. If it is more than 15%, they are classified as a multi guppy.

Yellow Guppy
Another rare color for guppies is yellow. So, if you do see a yellow guppy then you are one of the lucky few.
Albino Guppy
Albino guppies are all white or devoid of color. However, they can have slight tints of other colors on parts of the body.

Metal Guppies
Due to a unique pigment called iridophores, metal guppies are able to adjust their color and therefore hide from their predators. It’s a form of camouflage that allows them to blend in with their environment.Solid Color Guppies
Their bodies and fins exhibit a single solid color. The most common guppy colors include blue, yellow, and red. With selective breeding, there can also be black varieties.AOC (Any Other Color) Guppy
The International Fancy Guppy Association (IFGA) sets out how guppies are classified based on color. They outline that any guppy with colors that are unassociated with any other type or class of guppy is considered an AOC.AOC Bi-Color Guppy
In order for a guppy to fit in this class, it has to meet five criteria:- It must have a clear and well-defined base color.
- The secondary color must be 25% or more of its tail color.
- The secondary and base colors cannot be the same color (must be different).
- Should there be a third color, that color must be 15% or less; if not, they are classified as a multi-colored guppy.
- The dorsal must be the same color and pattern as the tail.
Blue-Green Bi-Color Guppy
In order for a guppy to be classified as blue-green bi-color it has to meet the following requirements:- The principal color in the tail has to be blue, green, or blue-green.
- Both the color and the pattern of the tail fin and the dorsal have to match.
- The main color and the secondary color have to be different from each other.
- If the guppy has a third color, it must not be more than 15% of the fish; if it is, the guppy is classified as a multi-colored guppy.
Bronze Guppy
In order for a guppy to be considered bronze, it must be 25% gold in color and have black scales. Its sometimes misidentified as a gold guppy which also has to have a body of at least 25% gold color.Half Black AOC Guppy
For half black color guppies, numerous other colors are possible and their tails and fins are multi-colored. However, half their color is solid black.Half Black Yellow Guppy
These guppies are half-color in black with a bright yellow color in their tails.
Half Black Pastel Guppy
The body of the half-black pastel guppy is, of course, half black, but the pastel in the caudal tail can be any color other than yellow. Most often, the caudal fin is white pastel.Half Black Blue Guppy
Half of these guppies’ body is black while the other half can be a shade of blue which ranges from sky blue to dark blue color.Half Black Green Guppy
This guppy is green in color in the tail and fins and the half-black in the rest of its body. There’s a bit of golden color or other colors on its face area that differentiates it from other guppies.
Half Black Purple Guppy
Perhaps one of the most beautiful fish in the half-black guppy category, it has a half-black body and shining purple color in fins and tails.
By Pattern
Cobra Guppy
Cobra guppies have vertical patterns and rosettes on their bodies. Here are a few examples of different kinds of cobra guppies.Green Cobra Guppy
The Green Cobra Guppy is one of the most popular color variations and tends to grow larger than other colors with a bold green, yellow, and black marbled tail. Green Cobra Guppy (Pair) |

Blue Cobra Guppy

Red Cobra Guppy

Violet Cobra Guppy

Black Cobra Guppy

Snakeskin Guppy
Snakeskin guppies have a vertical pattern over their bodies. The fish itself can be any color but the snake-like pattern remains no matter the color of the fish.

Tuxedo Guppy
Tuxedo Guppies have two shades (colors). The upper body is usually a lighter color while the back (second-half) of the body is a darker color. Think of a tuxedo. The white underneath up top and the black pants (bottom). Some tuxedo guppies look like that.

By Tail

Leopard Tail Guppy
Leopard tail guppies are guppies that have spots on their caudal fin (tail fin) that resemble the spots of a leopard.

Grass Tail Guppy
Grass tail guppies look similar to leopard tails but you can tell the difference by the tiny dots on the tail of the grass tail guppy which resemble grass seeds.

Lace Tail Guppy
Lace tail guppies have a web-like pattern on their tails. Most snakeskin guppies are also lace tail guppies as well.

Mosaic Tail Guppy
Mosaic tail guppies have irregular patterns on their tails. Several patterns intertwine and connect to each other to form a unique pattern much like a mosaic.

Fantail Guppy
Fantail guppies are known as fancy tail guppies get their name because their tails are shaped like fans.

Delta/Triangle Tail Guppy
Triangle tail guppies have a tail that’s shaped like a triangle. When the tail fully extends it can reach an angle up to 70 degrees.

Veil Tail Guppy
Veil tail guppies tails are shaped like an isosceles triangle. This means that the tail spans up to a 45-degree angle.
Flag Tail Guppy
Flagtail guppies have rectangle-shaped bodies and tails that resemble a flag when they swim.Lyretail Guppy
Lyretail guppies have tails that are a mix between swordtail and delta tail guppies. Though the tail may look like two separate swords they actually connect if you look closely.

Fire Tail Guppy
At the edge of the firetail guppy’s tail is a reddish color. This is where it gets its name from.

Pin/Needle Tail Guppy
Pintail or needle tail guppies have tails where both of their dorsal and caudal fins have a sharp needle tip-like. These little fish multiply fast and it can be hectic to keep up feeding them. See what to feed guppies when out of food for some tips.

Spear Tail Guppy
These types of guppies have tails that are shaped like the tip of a spear, hence the name. Feeding them a diet of live/frozen food, as well as plant-based items, can help them grow longer tails.
Swordtail Guppy
One of the most unique types of guppy fish is the swordtail guppy. These fish have long pointed tails that look like a sword. They are oftentimes likened to swordfish.Round Tail Guppy
These type of guppy have a rounded tail shape. They are very brightly colored and required a well-balanced diet to bring out their colors. If you plan on keeping them as pets its best to know what do guppies eat.

- The Complete Guppy Care Guide: Breeding, Tank Requirements, Fancy Varieties – Fish Keeping World
- Guppy Breeding Question – Aquarium Advice – Aquarium Forum Community
- What Is the Rarest Guppy Type? | Animals –
- Round Tail Guppy – Reinhard Schmid (Video) – YouTube
- Half Tuxedo Spear Tail Guppy – (Video) – YouTube
- Pin Tail Guppies – Video – YouTube
- Firetail Dumbo Guppy – Video – YouTube
- Lyretail Guppy – Video – YouTube
- Platinum Red (colors) Mosaic (pattern) Half Moon (tail shape) Half-Thumb Dorsal (dorsal fin shape) DUMBO/Big Ear (supersized pectoral fin) (Video) – YouTube
- Black & Green Lace Tail Guppy – Video – YouTube
- Grass Tail Guppy – Video – YouTube
- Leopard Tail Guppy – Video – YouTube
- Blue Guppies – Video – YouTube
- Interesting facts about guppies – Just Fun Facts
- Poecilia reticulata – Wikipedia
- Poecilia wingei – Wikipedia
- Scarlet Livebearer (Micropoecilia picta) – Tropical Fish Keeping
- Guppy Facts! Amazing facts about guppies – Fancy Guppy